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The struggles of the retail industry are apparent to even the untrained eye. Empty high street buildings have become the norm, and with growth of super-brands like Amazon, it’s clear to see that online shopping is reigning supreme. At a time when the customer is spoiled for choice, a superior customer service experience has become a key differentiator.

The age-old statement “the customer is always right” rings true in the current climate, more so than ever. With so much choice available at the tap of a smartphone, consumers have higher expectations. According to Martin Harbech, the Facebook Group Director, “In 2017, UK shoppers were three times more likely to get a bad customer experience than they were the year before, that’s not because retail has got worse,” he continues. “It’s because expectations are rising incredibly fast.”

Of course, when customers have a negative experience with customer service, they take to the many social media platforms that the digital age affords them and they are very vocal about these issues. We all know that once something is online, it’s there for good; a bad reputation can be costly for a retail brand.

So, what does the future hold? Innovation and speed according to Retailers need to launch products faster than ever and have exceptional customer service readily available to support wherever required.

Which leads us nicely to what we foresee as a new dawn for retail organisations and outsourcing…

With customer expectations rising, and new channels emerging all the time, it can be costly for a retailer to continually invest in an inhouse customer service team. An outsourcing company, which specialises in customer services, simply HAS to make these investments and provide the clients with constant innovation and improvements.

  • They will embrace the brand and all it stands for;
  • They will have the ability to flex resources up and down to match the retailer’s requirements;
  • They will have global locations that enable them to provide the most cost-effective solution;
  • They’ll have a multilingual workforce ensuring the retailer can rely on one outsourcer for their international requirements;
  • They’ll have the reach of a global company but the decision making of a privately owned entity;

They, of course, being DDC Outsourcing Solutions.

Let’s get started on your journey into the future of retail today, from as few as 3 seats, get in touch!


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Addressing the Disconnect Between In-Store and Contact Centre Customer Service in Retail.  

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Part 2: The Future of Smart Metering and AI  

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Gamification in the Contact Centre

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