

Our Impact

We manage a broad range of ESG topics

The DDC Group manages a broad range of ESG topics across our global business and operations. We assess and identify new or emerging ESG issues that could impact or be impacted by our organisation on an ongoing basis. This includes discussions with subject matter experts from across our business and analysis of feedback we receive through our regular engagement with stakeholders. We also monitor ESG trends and policy developments and industry best practices. The following are the ESG topics we have identified as the most relevant to our business and of greatest interest to our stakeholders. We will continue to build a comprehensive framework around these items.

  • Developing financial solutions that drive action on climate and generate other positive environmental impacts
  • Managing environmental risks, including climate-related risks
  • Minimizing the environmental impacts of our physical operations
  • Partnering with organizations to advance sustainable development
  • Acting in the best interest of all stakeholder groups
  • Developing financial solutions that improve quality of life and generate other positive social impacts
  • Expanding economic opportunity in the communities where we do business
  • Investing in our human capital, looking after our people … the DDC Family.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion
  • Cultivating a strong risk and control environment
  • Fostering a culture of transparency and ethical behaviour
  • Maintaining effective Board leadership and management processes
  • Safeguarding privacy and cybersecurity
  • Building a strong Governance framework to support accountability, reporting and good decision making.


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