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ISO 31000: 2018 Risk Management Audit

Last month QMS International carried out an annual surveillance audit against the DDC OS Risk Management System, to ensure we meet the requirements of the ISO 31000:2018 standard.

The scope of the audit covered:

  • Achievement of objectives and improvement of performance
  • Principles – Strategic Planning and Change Management
  • Improvement
  • Framework
  • Risk Management Alignment
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Roles, Responsibilities and Accountabilities
  • Implementation
  • Evaluation
  • Scope, Context and Criteria
  • Risk Criteria / Risk Evaluation
  • Risk Identification and Risk Analysis
  • Monitoring and Revie

We are pleased to announce that DDC OS fully meets the requirements of the ISO 31000:2018 standard, and we have received a Full Pass, with no non-conformities raised. This standard gives our clients the reassurances we have a comprehensive preventative risk management program with a team of experts to identify and provide a deeper understanding of all types of risks.


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