Last week QMS International carried out an annual surveillance audit against the DDC OS Quality Management System, to ensure we meet the requirements of the ISO 9001: 2015 standard.
The scope of the audit covered:
- Context of the organisation (Quality Management system and its processes)
- Leadership (Policy, Organisational roles, responsibilities and authorities)
- Planning (Actions to address risks and opportunities, Planning of change)
- Support (Infrastructure, Environment for the operation of processes, Monitoring and measuring, Documented information, Communication)
- Operation (Operational planning and control, Requirements for products and services, Control of externally provided processes, products and services, Production and service provision, Control of non-conforming outputs)
- Performance Evaluation (Customer satisfaction, Internal Audit, Management review)
- Improvement (Non-conformity and corrective action, Continual improvement)
We are pleased to announce that DDC OS fully meets the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, and have received a Full Pass, with no non-conformities raised. We hope this gives our clients the confidence that our level of quality is of the highest standard.
~ Anthony Bootman, DDC OS Compliance Officer.