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4 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Customer Services

Customer services matter. 96% of consumers say that this is an important factor when choosing whether to be loyal to a brand, according to a survey from Microsoft. Ensuring that you offer your customer base what they expect is a must. However, that doesnโ€™t necessarily mean you need a customer services team. Believe it or not, there may be a simpler and more cost-effective solution. Here are four reasons to outsource your customer services instead.

1. Itโ€™s a cost-effective solution

You already know that offering excellent customer services is a must. But how can you make it happen? One option is to hire in-house customer service advisors and managers to keep things ticking over. While this may be your first instinct, you may want to think twice about diving in. Expanding your staff with these professionals can be a costly and time-consuming endeavour. You have to consider salaries and additional benefits.

On the other hand, should you choose to outsource your customer services, you only have to cover one fee. Outsourcing offers a customer lifestyle solution that will suit your business. In combining email, chat, IM, and voice services, outsourcers can offer a well-rounded package that is low-hassle and affordable. Allowing you to achieve this high level of service under one regular cost.

2. You can offer multilingual services

Do you have loyal customers all around the globe? If the answer is yes, offering multilingual customer services is a huge bonus. Not only will this move keep existing customers satisfied, but it could also help to win you new clients along the way. 74% of customers would be more likely to buy from a company that offers support in their language, according to a report from the Common Sense Advisory.

Needless to say, offering multilingual customer services in-house is a tall order. Managing people who are bi-lingual and ensuring that you get the right experts can be difficult and costly. When you choose to outsource this aspect of your business, you donโ€™t have to worry about these fine details. Many outsourcers will offer services in more than 32 languages.

3. Offer 24/7 customer services

The modern world never sleeps. Itโ€™s hard to overstate the value of 24/7 customer services. When you have customers living around the world in different time zones, ensuring that you can serve their needs is a must. Of course, having an in-house team that works around the clock is a logistical nightmare. However, when you choose to outsource these services, you instantly have the ability to offer continuous customer services.

4. Always get a consistent quality level

Poor customer service costs you in revenue. After experiencing bad customer service, 39% of people say that they would avoid using a company for two years, according to research from Zendesk. Whenever a customer or potential customer reaches out to you, they expect a high level of service. The system should be quick, easy and reliable.

Offering customer services in-house is one way to go. However, since this is not the businessโ€™ primary function, many find it hard to ensure a consistent high-quality level. Fortunately, outsourcing your customer services is the answer. You are entrusting an experienced team of experts to do what they do best. Having an external company take care of this side of your business frees up your time to focus on its core functions.

Ready to up your customer services game by outsourcing it? Contact us now to find out how we can help you.


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